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For your convenience we have both wheelchair access and a loop system.
If you are in a wheelchair you are welcome to park on the path in the churchyard and ask a greeter at the door for assistance.
Welcome to
Biggar Parish Church
Home: Welcome
Welcome to Biggar Kirk
We extend a very warm welcome to all visitors of Biggar Kirk: Biggar Parish Church of Scotland.
We are a gathering of all ages seeking to grow as followers of Jesus
through study of God's word, prayer, fellowship and service to our neighbours near and far.
Come and join us on an adventure of faith.
You are welcome no matter your background or experience.
The weekly Sunday Service recording is available through our sermon page or youtube channel.
A family of believers: building ourselves up, and pouring out love to our community
Christ-centred | Spirit-filled | Caring
Joyful | Fruitful | Hospitable
Home: Who We Are
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